Top: Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez Middle: Found on Google Bottom: Marlean Esparza

The world of female boxing isn't all sunshine and flowers, obviously, it isn't sunshine and flowers for any boxer, regardless of gender or age. Boxing is about discipline, hard work, and mental strength. Being pushed to your limits everyday to the point that your drowning in your sweat and your limbs feel like jello. But what is the difference between women and men boxers? The answer is simple. Nothing is different. We train the same and we fight the same. But men are proven to be stronger than women, and power is a vital part of ones performance in the ring. Although men have the strength, women also have an advantage. According to Livestrong.com, "womens bodies give them an edge in ultraendurance events." It's almost impossible to prove that women have it the worst in boxing so it's up to you to decide. Do women have a harder time in the ring then men?


My name is Kelly Lorraine Garcia! I'm not like most teenage girls.. I'm a boxer.. And I'm apart of the National Juniors Honors Society. I also play piano, sing, play football, volleyball, basketball, and softball! I love doing things to prove points, for example male dominant sports! Or even being a straight A student and at the same time being a boxer. Most people look at boxers and right away think that they are bad children.. that's, obviously, a stereotype.

And I LOVE sweets! Like cupcakes, cake balls, and Starbucks! My Achilles heel! But who doesn't love sweets?

I don't like Twinkies... people think I'm insane! But it's a good thing that I don't like them, right? If only I didn't like sweets... I'd be 20 pounds lighter, Just kidding! But other than Twinkies.. I LOVE SWEETS!

How many girls do you think are like me? Straight A's, NJHS, boxing, and football.

Not many, huh? Well that's me!

Thanks ~ K

Photo Taken by the band Hot Chelle Rae and taken from their twitter page.

Anticipation boiled up inside of me as we waiting for someone to come on that stage and announce that Justin Bieber's concert would soon begin.

But before the main attraction, 2 opening acts came out. Mike Posner and the band Hot Chelle Rae.. While they were worth every second of their 30 minute pre-show performance, we were all still on the edge of our seats waiting for what we all came for.

At the moment Justin Bieber came out, the American Airlines Center erupted in screaming teenagers. The music was so loud that at one point I thought my ears were bleed. The loud bass of the music caused vibrations to move through my body like a shock wave. And before we knew it he was gone and the concert was over.. Our ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton.. And out voices, raspy like a 40 year old smoker. He put on a good show for being Justin Bieber.. I bet my 16 year old brother would even like it.. And not because all the teenage girls.

Anticipation boiled up inside of me as we waiting for someone to come on that stage and announce that Justin Bieber's concert would soon begin.

But before the main attraction, 2 opening acts came out. Mike Posner and the band Hot Chelle Rae.. While they were worth every second of their 30 minute pre-show performance, we were all still on the edge of our seats waiting for what we all came for.

At the moment Justin Bieber came out, the American Airlines Center erupted in screaming teenagers. The music was so loud that at one point I thought my ears were bleed. The loud bass of the music caused vibrations to move through my body like a shock wave. And before we knew it he was gone and the concert was over.. Our ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton.. And out voices, raspy like a 40 year old smoker. He put on a good show for being Justin Bieber.. I bet my 16 year old brother would even like it.. And not because all the teenage girls.